Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
Pitch & Networking Event for German Companies in the Space Industry
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
4645 Reservoir Rd NW
Washington, DC
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Event Start
03/17/2025 · 03:00 PM
Event End
03/17/2025 · 08:00 PM


Publicly funded project for German companies in the space industry to market their products and services internationally.


Join us for an evening of networking with German companies in the space industry. This event is part of the Market Development Program (MEP) supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection.

March 17 | 15:00-20:00 | Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany

  • Welcome by Andreas Michaelis, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany and Christoph Schemionek, President & CEO of the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Washington, DC
  • Keynote Speech: US experts 
  • Part 1: Individual company pitches by German companies (5 minutes per company) 
  • Panel Discussion: German and US experts 
  • Part 2: Individual company pitches by the German companies (5 minutes per company) 
  • Networking
Amal Khaled

Amal Khaled

Senior Manager, Consulting & Corporate Development