Energy Export Initiative

The transfer of energy expertise, the promotion of foreign trade and the facilitation of international development cooperation are part of the German Energy Solutions Initiative, which is coordinated and funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action.

The promotion of renewable energies and energy efficiency in Germany has resulted in the establishment of an industry, which offers some of the world’s leading technologies. 
This industry encompasses several thousand small and medium-sized enterprises specialized in the development, design and production of renewable energy technologies, energy efficiency solutions, grids and storage. This is the basis for smart energy solutions. 

Trade missions to the Greater Washington region include a one-day seminar showcasing the expertise and the latest technologies related to renewable energy and energy efficiency from Germany. In addition to that, we organize customized 1-on-1 meetings for our delegation participants in order to discuss synergies and potential partnerships with US companies. 

Networking & Business Opportunities

We organize trade missions and delegations visits for business representatives between Germany and the Midwest region.

Trade missions to the Midwest include a one-day seminar showcasing the expertise and the latest technologies related to renewable energy and energy efficiency from Germany. In addition to that, we organize customized 1-on-1 meetings for our delegation participants in order to discuss synergies and potential partnerships with US companies.

Get in touch
If you are interested in learning more about German renewable energy or energy efficiency technologies and/or in exploring partnership opportunities with our German companies, please contact Amal Khaled.