US-Germany Climate & Energy Partnership

In 2021, the US-Germany Climate and Energy Partnership was launched and former German Chancellor Angela Merkel and US President Joe Biden officially announced closer cooperation on energy and climate. The partnership was formalized in May 2022 at the G7 meetings with a Joint Declaration of Intent between the two countries.  

The German American Chambers of Commerce (AHKs), together with the German project partner adelphi and the Renewables Academy (RENAC), support the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) in implementing the climate and energy cooperation.

As part of the German-American Climate and Energy Partnership, the GACC Midwest operates the US Secretariat and is supported by the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Washington D.C., which operates the branch office of the US Secretariat in the capital. 

As a cooperation, we develop and implement numerous dialogue formats with the project partners, including bilateral meetings with federal and state governments and other relevant institutions from the partner countries. We also organize and implement high-level public events, workshops, and local business advisory councils in the US. 

The energy cooperation activities generate momentum for energy policy in Germany and in the partner countries. In addition, the project addresses the concerns of the private sector to support appropriate market structures for the expansion of renewable energies and the dissemination of energy-efficient technologies. The partnership's current focus lies on offshore wind, hydrogen, electromobility and cooperation with third countries.  

Visit the US-Germany Climate and Energy Partnership official website here

Press release on the official establishment of the US-Germany Climate and Energy Partnership: 

Additional information on the US-Germany Climate and Energy Partnership: 

Upcoming Programs

Expert Delegation Trip to Germany on Offshore Wind

Past Programs

US-German Hydrogen Forum

January 17, 2024 

Hydrogen Support Mechanisms and Trade: Enabling Transatlantic Synergies

September 27, 2023 

Business Advisory Roundtable

September 28, 2023 

CEP at the Day of German Unity 2023

September 27, 2023 

IPF 2023: Networking Lunch and Bier & Brats Reception in Baltimore, MA

March 27, 2023 

Business Roundtable with Dr. Franziska Brantner, Parliamentary State Secretary at Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action

January 9, 2023 

Decarbonization of Trucking: What is the Role of Hydrogen Fuel Cells and Direct Electrification? A Transatlantic Debate

October 12, 2022 

US-Germany Climate and Energy Summit 2022 in Pittsburgh, PA

Business Advisory Roundtable on Offshore Wind in Atlantic City, NJ

April 25, 2022