Meet our SelectUSA Business Partners

The Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP) is the state economic development authority for the Commonwealth of Virginia. Created in 1995, VEDP collaborates with local, regional, and state partners to encourage the expansion and diversification of Virginia’s economy. VEDP works to accomplish these objectives through a variety of activities, including marketing and lead generation; business retention, expansion, and attraction; trade development; business intelligence; competitive benchmarking; site development; performance-based incentives; and talent solutions. VEDP has offices in Virginia, Germany, Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea.

By statute, VEDP creates economic opportunity for the Commonwealth through eight core categories of responsibility:

  • Ensure that effective marketing programs are delivered
  • Engage in business development activities
  • Engage in product development activities
  • Encourage coordination of economic development organizations
  • Encourage exports of Virginia’s products and services
  • Assist in formulating Virginia’s economic development strategies
  • Administer economic development incentive programs
  • Fulfill administrative and reporting responsibilities

With dedicated and knowledgeable professionals committed to Virginia’s economic success, VEDP helps businesses find the resources they need to make relocation and expansion successful endeavors.

Tautz & Schuhmacher Business Law Firm serves as your partner in US law, giving tailor-made legal solutions for European companies in the USA.

They provide servies in intellectual property, representation before US authorities, SME consulting, as well as technical expertise in high tech, mechanics and electrical engineering, and optics and medical technology.

Tautz & Schuhmacher stands for quality, service, and transparency:

For Tautz & Schuhmacher, quality means offering clients legal advice at the highest level. This requires a solid foundation of expertise and experience and also requires a high level of commitment on a daily basis. Skills that they can and want to offer their clients.

"Customer First" is their business philosophy. Client needs and their satisfaction are top priority. Tautz & Schuhmacher work hard every day to align all their decisions, activities and processes to create the best possible value and benefit for their clients.

Transparency creates trust. Transparency is an essential part of their sustainable and responsible management of the law firm. They therefore communicate honestly and clearly what services they can offer you, to what extent and under what conditions.

Barnes & Thornburg LLP works with single-minded dedication to help businesses like yours achieve their goals in the service of progress for all. The world is changing faster than ever before. You need a firm with a proven track record of knowing when to rely on unchanging, bedrock values and when new market demands call for innovative thinking and adaptability.

Barnes & Thornburg LLP clients have access to more than 800 legal professionals throughout 23 offices in Atlanta, Boston, California, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Nashville, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Philadelphia, Raleigh, Salt Lake City, South Florida, Texas, and Washington, D.C. They are among the 100 largest firms in the U.S. with experience in all the legal practice areas required to do business in today’s global marketplace.

At Barnes & Thornburg, they live and work by the values that have guided the firm for nearly 100 years. For their clients that means delivering value above and beyond the expected. It means a relentless focus on efficiency and cost-effectiveness. It means dedicated action on diversity initiatives and top talent recruitment. It means delivering uncommon value for our clients.

Government affairs has become an increasingly critical business function as government activity continues to grow in scope and unpredictability around the world. This also causes great frustration to busy executives trying to understand and stay on top of everything that is happening or might happen.

Poligage (short for policy engagement) was developed to provide a solution to this frustration. Poligage is the first on-demand marketplace for public policy and government affairs expertise. Quick access is facilitated to a pre-vetted network of top experts who are available for quick-turn activities — such as confidential consultations, memos, projects, speeches or presentations, and other services — helping executives develop or extend their government affairs function with great flexibility for as little as $500 per engagement.